36 hours and 160,000 plus views later
Most everyone loved the walk around and after 160,000 plus views, the internet has come to love ‘Kevin the Intern” and his Scion FR-S. Earlier yesterday (July 24, 2015) Intern Kevin reacted to the news about his video going viral on-air during “The Wake Up Call’s” morning show. Have a listen to the entire segment below.
"Jason: How do you feel about this viral blow up now you seem to be everywhere, if you google “Intern Kevin, Car” he comes up first on Google now.Kevin: [Gasp] That’s such a great accomplishment.Host: How do you feel this semi-sort of fame you’re getting.Kevin: Kind of overwhelmed but I love it! I get stopped here and there."
So how exactly did his video go viral? Within hours of his video being posted, it was picked up by Reddit’s /r/cars subreddit as well as Reddit’s general /r/videos subreddit. Kevin’s video really started picking up steam when the Internet Car site “Car Throttle,” known to peruse Reddit’s /r/cars forum quite often, hastily wrote a piece up and posted it on their site and subsequently their facebook page (which happens to have over 1.5 million followers online). Car Throttle’s post racked up over 4,641 shares to Facebook and their internal facebook post garnered another 443 shares. Additionally, 107.9’s original share on facebook had dozens of shares as well.From there, the rest is history.
But without any great content, there’s nothing to go viral in the first place. When you combine a witty and quick thinking morning show host (Shoutout to Gavin too :whoop whoop:) and pair him up with an intern who’s clearly passionate about something near and dear to his heart and you get them riffing back and forth to each other, you get some original content that’s nothing but pure and honest comedic gold.
"Katy: The best thing about this video is that at no point were you trying to be funny.Jason: That’s the beauty of Kevin though.Gavin: I don’t think Kevin ever tries to be funny… If anybody in my life was going to roll around in Youtube fame like a warm blanket, it’s you."
Finally, Kevin had a message for all his haters.
"Jason: How do you feel about the haters because there are comments everywhere and a lot of them aren’t exactly nice.Kevin: I really love them because they’re the ones that shared my video to get me this far so thank you.Jason: Alright, that’s a good attitude. I love it."
Until there next great video, we hope to hear more updates on Kevin’s FR-S as well as more airtime thrown his way. And if you haven’t seen the video already, here it is posted below for you.