This Corolla Car Club In The Philippines Paddles New Members

This Corolla Car Club In The Philippines Paddles New Members
This Corolla Car Club In The Philippines Paddles New Members

Taking a cue from fraternity rituals of their alma maters, this group of Toyota Corolla owners have an optional hazing ritual.

Who knew that a small four door economy car could cause such fraternal fervor but apparently in the Philipines, the Toyota Corolla does just that. According to our motoring friends at Top Gear PH on their post earlier yesterday (Aug. 9, 2015), a Corolla Club on Facebook has been called out for blatantly hazing its members by paddling. According to the article, many of the members of their car group hail from the University of the Philippines. With a list of more than 80 fraternities (and sororities), hazing is a pretty big part of the college experience that has carried beyond the walls of knowledge. But a car club?

Click here to check out the group for yourself.

2015.8.10 Paddlin
2015.8.10 Paddlin

In the group’s defense they supposedly don’t hit their newbie members all that hard. It’s a rather “soft touch”, although they won’t blatantly outright say that.

"“We don’t just go out there and hurt anyone. Even a baby can handle it. It’s just a soft touch. We don’t disclose it in public–that it’s just soft–because we want them to think it’s hard, giving them the impression that it’s painful to join. It’s more like a ploy.”"

And the whole initiation process is voluntary, so I suppose that makes it less of an issue. Top Gear PH was clear to point out that if the paddling was mandatory, this group of Corolla owners would be in direct violation of Philippines Anti-Hazing law.

To add to the weirdness is the fact that the group doesn’t just have Presidents and Vice-Presidents, they have such titles as Lord Chancellors and Lord Templars, a clear nod to freemasonry. Freemasonry? I thought this was about Toyota Corolla’s guys.

Anyways, there you have it. Car clubs range from normal to downright “out in left field.” But that’s ok. Car clubs are never meant to be inclusive and cater to almost every interest that’s slightly automotive in nature. But paddling and weird titles? How ’bout BBQ’s and car talk instead.