This Norwegian Just Earned Himself A Free Tesla Model X

This Norwegian Just Earned Himself A Free Tesla Model X
This Norwegian Just Earned Himself A Free Tesla Model X /

It’s like winning a free sandwich at Subway except it’s a $70,000 Tesla Model X.

Congratulations to Norweigan Bjorn Nyland for taking advantage of Tesla’s referral program. According to Bjorn himself on his youtube channel post earlier this week (Aug. 10, 2015) for referring ten people to purchase a Tesla Model S, Bjorn just earned himself a free Tesla Model X. According to Tesla, “The first person to refer ten friends in each sales region— North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific — will receive a free Model X. They will be invited to configure their Model X once all ten friends have taken delivery of their new Model S.”

Bjorn Nyland was originally born in Thailand but moved to Norway at the age of four. He currently works as a computer programmer at the University of Oslo but is probably most famous for his exploits in driving his Tesla Model S in the frigid cold weather that is Norway. Nyland infamously drove his Tesla Model S P85 233 miles in 21 F weather to prove just how robust the Tesla’s batteries were. If you’re a fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s books, you can refer to Nyland as a maven for Tesla and is probably one of the most influential Tesla owners in the world. With more than 13,000 subscribers on Youtube and Tesla owners keen to his videos, a little less than two weeks ago Nyland posted a video announcing his bid to get as many people to buy the Tesla Model S with his referral link as possible. Well, it worked!

2015.8.12 Tesla 2
2015.8.12 Tesla 2 /

There is no better advertising than customers speaking heaps of praise and good press with no coaxing from the company itself. Have a listen to what Nyland had to say about the Tesla Model S that got a few European and American customers interested enough to put their money where their mouth is in the video below. The part we love the best is the complete honesty and humbleness in which he asked his fans. Completely himself. And I suppose it’s the genuineness of his words that got those people to take his advice and invest in a Tesla Model S.

So it looks like the entire continent of Europe is out of the running to snag a free Tesla Model X. We’re keen to see who’ll make it in the United States and the rest of S. East Asia.