Top 40 James Bond Vehicles Of All Time

Photo Credit: Eon Productions
Photo Credit: Eon Productions /
10 of 40
31. Bus
31. Bus /

#31- 1947 AEC Regent III RT246

Appeared in: Live and Let Die

A double-decker bus would make an unlikely escape vehicle but for Bond, he had no choice given his surroundings in San Monique and an important passenger (Solitaire) in tow. With three of Kanaga’s henchmen following closely behind, Bond takes this old but reliable ’47 Regent III double-decker bus on the ride of its life.

You’ll be surprised to know that Roger Moore performed all the bus’s stunts thanks to instruction from a London double-decker driver himself which included a 180-degree turn that saw two motorcyclists splash into the water and bit of back and forth action that threw two police officers off their trail.

The infamous scene where Bond drives underneath a low hanging bridge was a bit of movie magic with the top half already sawed off and placed on rollers. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that the top half has no seats when it’s sliced off, a bit of preparation by the movie crew ensured that this one and only take went as planned. Shortly after, the bus becomes a single decker bus which Bond drives to meet up with an accomplice to escape by boat to New Orleans.

Next: 2007 Land Rover Defender Double Cab 110