#39- 1983 Bajaj RE
Appeared in: Octopussy
Albert E. Brocolli always has a knack for choosing period-correct vehicles and the mighty Tuk-Tuk is indeed one of them. Although Bond doesn’t drive this vehicle itself, the Bajaj RE and the way in which Bond got away was memorable enough to include it on this list.
Bond wins a Backgammon game against Kamal Khan (a.k.a. the most charming villain in Bond history.) Immediately after some goodbye pleasantries, Bond hops into a nearby Tuk-Tuk with his friend and ally behind the wheel. Spotting a henchman following behind him, Bond books it with the help of the Tuk-Tuk driver with a spectacular “made-for-movies” wheelie.
Typical Bajaj RE’s are outfitted with 200 cc single cylinder engines with enough power to haul around a driver and a couple of passengers. At best we’re looking at 20 HP here. In India, Bajaj Auto is the world’s largest manufacturer of 3-wheeled vehicles and rightfully so. Due to its low cost and tight turning radius, it makes an ideal city car.
The one Bond was riding in was quite different. When Bond’s Indian associate puts the pedal to the metal, we can immediately tell that this tuk-tuk is outfitted with a high-powered motor well above 500 cc’s.
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