#10- 1997 BMW 750 iL
Your new BMW 750. All the usual refinements, machine guns, rockets and a GPS tracking system.
Appeared in: Tomorrow Never Dies
The BMW 750 iL at first glance doesn’t seem like the ideal Bond car with a larger chassis than car’s MI6 normally provides, but the 750 iL proves to be a worthy Bond car in the end. Equipped with a 5 liter V12 engine, the 750 IL came with 300 HP and 330 lb-ft.
Unlike the BMW Z3 and Z8, this 750 iL was used quite extensively, particularly during the chase sequence in the Atlantic Hotel Parking garage. Equipped on this 750 iL are the following gadgets.
- A finger print controlled concealed compartment
- Electric security system
- Reinforced glass and bodywork
- Remote control mechanism- Bond uses this to great success in evading Stampers henchmen.
- Tear gas- Hidden behind the rear wheel arches.
- Rocket Launchers- Hidden behind the sunroof mechanism are a dozen short-range rockets.
- Tire spikes
- Re-inflating tires and
- Cable Cutter behind the front BMW emblem
Bond uses all of these gadgets as intended.
The car chase sequence with the 750 iL took three weeks to film with the final leap of the BMW into an Avis shop window being filmed in Hamburg. To achieve the desired effect with no driver in the drivers seat and Bond steering from the back, a steering wheel was wired in from the left rear passenger seat where the stuntman controlled steering.
Fun fact: BMW provided Eon Productions with 922) 750 iL Sedans with 17 of them being designated for the chase sequence.
- Four where hidden drivers cars with drivers concealed out back
- Three were used as back ups
- One was used exclusively to show off the finger print safe
- One was shoved off the garage
- The remaining seven were used for backup and exterior beauty shots
Next: 2006 Aston Martin DBS V12