The first instalment of the AoG’s Motivation Monday is dedicated to five-time Formula One world champion, Lewis Hamilton.
It’s only fitting to use Hamilton in the introduction to the Art of Gears’ Motivation Monday, after winning his sixth straight Canadian Grand Prix over the weekend past. A new record set by the Brit as well.
He is considered to be the best driver of his generation and amongst the best to ever grace the Formula One track.
Nevertheless, this is his performance on the track, what exactly does the reigning champ do off it? Enjoy a long list of cars for one!
Some of the most famous, high-end celebs love their cars and love to show off their cars. Some go for looks, others search for constant speed thrills. Others want the comfort of their $1m home in the backseat of the limo. Then there’s those who have them but can’t even drive like Cardi B.
The Englishman (Lewis Hamilton) is a speed freak and loves all types of supercars. You would imagine the F1 driver would stay loyal to his company car Mercedes. However, it’s hard to keep your hands off another car’s steering wheel, especially when some of them are far more superior to your work’s brand.
Here we will rank and pick the best three cars from Lewis Hamilton’s sensual selection of automobiles. Ranking them from the third best to first best.