There are many things I would do in the world, but putting a little one behind the wheel of a 100 mph ride is not one of them. Look what these speed freaks did.
Probably one of the many reasons why you can only get your license when you a young adult and not at a tender age when you only able to reach the pedals of a Power Wheels small car. Where were these guys when all the kids were throwing a ball or kicking about?
They were busy playing some F1 game, believing they were Michael Schumacher. So while others like me were enjoying a baseball game over in the park, kids like these were parked in their parents’ garage, building little towns and building cars for those towns.
Which kid were you? I was a bit of both, too much energy to pour my heart into one thing so I was always ready to enjoy everything as a kid. One-on-One balling outside or fighting the good fight with little soldiers. Having the luxury and knowledge of building potentially the fastest Power Wheels in the world, was never a thought of mine though.
Here’s What This Power Wheels Offer A Kid Stuck In An Adult’s Body
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As displayed in the video above, what started as a DRZ400 motor has now been excitingly replaced with a 450 CC KTM dirt bike motor. Everything on this 911 Power Wheels is bigger and better, that inevitably makes it move a lot faster than even some of the day-to-day automobiles on the roads.
Some Specs of the 911 Power Wheels
- Motor – 450 CC KTM dirt bike motor
- Transmission – 6-Speed Transmission
- Tank Size – 1.7 Gallon Fuel Cell
- A Shift Linkage
- An Electric Start
- Idler Pulley/Chain Tensioner
To help make the body stronger, more meat was added to the 911. A new chassis was fabricated and installed with bigger tires to handle the power of the KTM. It took planning, welding, fabricating, and a whole bunch of upgrades for them to be bold enough to deem it the “fastest Power Wheels ever”.
To add attitude to an already bold personality is a sporty rear wing that looks like it’s about to cut butter out of the air. It’s a gocart on roids. So basically, this is no toy for a toddler and yes the adult with the kid stuck inside of him will be using it for races. Because that’s what it was made for.