Who is the better wheelman, Baby or The Driver?
In a previous post I reviewed the 1978 car chase flick, “The Driver”. I recommend reading that post but if you’re pressed for time Ryan O’Neal stars as The Driver, the top get away driver in the business and hot commodity in the L.A. crime scene.
The plots are very similar and “Baby Driver writer and director, Edgar Wright, has been open about the influence of “The Driver” on his work.
“…I had to make a movie called Baby Driver just to prove to you (Walter Hill, writer and director of “The Driver”) that The Driver is influential.” – Edgar Wright
I broached the subject before and I stand by my previous assertion that The Driver is superior wheelman. I watched “Baby Driver” before writing this article and yes Baby is a top end wheelman but he has superior equipment.
Also, Baby has a conscious. It’s commendable to have ethics when you are criminal, and kind of contradictory, but if I was hiring wheelman for a nefarious scheme I’d want the driver that would push the limits to get the job done.
The Driver would and I don’t think Baby could do that.