I am a late adopter to “The Office” and like a lot of folks I discovered it on Netflix. To me, it’s a pretty accurate portrayal of how it is to work in an office and the diverse bunch of folks that you work with.
I spent a lot of time in a cubicle as a claims adjuster for The General, and a few other insurance carriers over the years, and I worked with a few folks that fell into “The Office” cast template. One guy that sat by my for about a year had many of the same qualities as Dwight, mainly being loyal to our boss to a rarefied level.

In the same vein, a coworker once maintained that I was like Creed Bratton and his logic was based on my tendency to be quiet at work and then chime in with something kinda bizarre. I was initially insulted by this idea, but then I realize he wasn’t too far of base. There’s a reason I am largely quiet around people that I don’t know personally because I have had unique (read: kind of out there) concepts.
A prime example is my idea that Noel Gallagher is a better songwriter than Bono but Gallagher is perceived as less of an artist because his tongue in
cheek interviews lack any semblance of mystique.
“The Office” is funny, rewatchable and for those of us who have done time in a cubicle know that it is pretty accurate. But Art of Gears is about cars and today we will look at the vehicles that the employees of Dunder Mifflin drive: