Tesla: A Recent Twitter Timeline Of Accomplishments

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Photo Credit: Screenshot Via https://www.teslamotors.com/models/preowned?source=models-features0&type=preowned
Photo Credit: Screenshot Via https://www.teslamotors.com/models/preowned?source=models-features0&type=preowned /

So, what’s next for Tesla?

Honestly, they’re doing what I never thought a car company could do.  Since 2008, they have expanded quickly and built a product line that not only accomodates to a large market, but also built a brand synonymous with performance and luxury in the electric car world.  It is the stuff of dreams.

Since they set the bar so high, why not try to guess what they will come up next?  There are rumors of the next sports car and a crossover.  If that crossover vehicle is in a similar price range as the Tesla Model 3, people will leave automotive brands that they would normally be loyal to.

One thing that didn’t work is a two-speed transmission.  There is simply so much torque from the electric motor that transmissions wouldn’t last during testing.  But, if they were able to make a two-speed transmission, how much more range could be added?  How much more acceleration would kick in at a second gear?

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Yes, it’s heavy, complex, and expensive, but so is building the Gigafactory and Fremont assembly plant.  That didn’t stop Tesla.

A transmission?  It’s only a matter of time.

Nothing else is stopping them, after all.