You’re Not Alone!
Taking it a step further can feel like hitting the “proverbial” wall. You can pound information in your brain until it’s overflowing, but seeing the simplicity of maintenance, broken down, is often exponentially more beneficial.
Girls in the Garage
For those of you located in the Southern Californa area, Mission Viejo Transmission hosts an open house, on the first Wednesday of every month, where women and children are welcome to come and watch demonstrations of basic car maintenance and upkeep in action. It’s a non-profit workshop that combines fun and games with an array of engaging workstations designed to actually “show” you the basics of automotive upkeep.
Mission Viejo Transmission’s Girls in the Garage workshop has been promoting a Women ‘n’ Wrenches type theme for years and has been helping thousands of women and children wrap their heads around the simple (but highly ambiguous) world of maintenance, one bolt at a time.
Women ‘n’ Wrenches doesn’t maintain any affiliations with Mission Viejo Transmission, but it nonetheless stands as a great local community resource that helps address the disconnect between Women ‘n’ Wrenches. We want everyone to feel empowered, and sound maintenance practices remains an area that leaves many people behind – no matter who you are.
There are other resources out there, and you may be surprised what’s hiding in your local neighborhoods. However, many times you’ll feel like you’re on your own in the expensive, complicated world of auto mechanics.
This is not the case, and Art of Gears wants everybody to feel like they have someone in their corner! We want everyone to feel good about popping their hood open, and poking around for potentially costly issues; many of which can be avoided by simple routine maintenance checks like those previously outlined.