Koenigsegg Jesko is shooting for the 300mph Barrier!

(Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)
(Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images) /
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The Koenigsegg CCR would continue the supercar trampling tradition, and the Koenigsegg One:1 would be the first production car in history with a 1:1 power-to-weight ratio.

Staying true to the roots, the Jesko features a redesigned 5.0L twin-turbo; it puts out 1,280hp on gasoline and 1,600hp on E85. The engine management system can switch between fuels on the fly, or operate on any ratio of the two fuels.

Formula 1 Pedegree

The 25lb, flat-plane crankshaft on the Koenigsegg Jesko is the world’s lightest production crankshaft ever produced. (Compare that to a typical 54lb crank in a small-block Chevy.) If you guessed billet, you’d be accurate.

The rest of the rotating assembly is just as light as previous generation engines but even stronger than their titanium predecessors! It goes without saying that an engine designed for an application like this is built with razor-sharp tolerances.

Formula-1-grade manufacturers are sourced for the heads. Air delivery is absolutely critical.

To compensate for turbo lag, an air injection system uses an electric compressor to charge a 5.2-gallon tank with enough pressure to blast the gargantuan turbos with 290psi.

This strategic pre-boost process eliminates turbo lag and energizes the turbine until exhaust gasses can build up adequate pressure within the housing.

The Jesko makes every possible attempt to mitigate the power-limiting bottleneck that we know as induction air.