The Car Movies of Burt Reynolds

Fire up the Trans Am sports car and get the Coors beer iced down when the Tallahassee Film Society remembers the late Burt Reynolds, who died earlier this month, with the Tallahassee Film Society’s screening of the chase hit “Smokey and the Bandit” (1977) at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at All Saints Cinema, off Railroad Avenue. It’s rated PG and costs $8 to get in. Visit Be sure to read Mark Hinson’s column on Sunday about Reynolds and his star turn in “Deliverance” (1972).Burt In His Trans Am Usa Today ArtFire up the Trans Am sports car and get the Coors beer iced down when the Tallahassee Film Society remembers the late Burt Reynolds, who died earlier this month, with the Tallahassee Film Societys screening of the chase hit Smokey and the Bandit (1977) at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at All Saints Cinema, off Railroad Avenue. Its rated PG and costs $8 to get in. Visit Be sure to read Mark Hinsons column on Sunday about Reynolds and his star turn in Deliverance (1972).
Fire up the Trans Am sports car and get the Coors beer iced down when the Tallahassee Film Society remembers the late Burt Reynolds, who died earlier this month, with the Tallahassee Film Society’s screening of the chase hit “Smokey and the Bandit” (1977) at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at All Saints Cinema, off Railroad Avenue. It’s rated PG and costs $8 to get in. Visit Be sure to read Mark Hinson’s column on Sunday about Reynolds and his star turn in “Deliverance” (1972).Burt In His Trans Am Usa Today ArtFire up the Trans Am sports car and get the Coors beer iced down when the Tallahassee Film Society remembers the late Burt Reynolds, who died earlier this month, with the Tallahassee Film Societys screening of the chase hit Smokey and the Bandit (1977) at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at All Saints Cinema, off Railroad Avenue. Its rated PG and costs $8 to get in. Visit Be sure to read Mark Hinsons column on Sunday about Reynolds and his star turn in Deliverance (1972). /
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Kino. Ein ausgekochtes Schlitzohr, (SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT) USA, 1976, Regie: Hal Needham, BURT REYNOLDS, SALLY FIELD, Stichwort: Auto, Hut, Fahrer, Cabrio. (Photo by FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)
Kino. Ein ausgekochtes Schlitzohr, (SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT) USA, 1976, Regie: Hal Needham, BURT REYNOLDS, SALLY FIELD, Stichwort: Auto, Hut, Fahrer, Cabrio. (Photo by FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images) /

Smokey and The Bandit (1977), Smokey and the Bandit II (1980), Smokey and the Bandit III (1983)

Who doesn’t love “Smokey and the Bandit”?

“They asked me what my favorite movie was just in casual conversation one day. … I said ‘Smokey and the Bandit.’ I have always loved that movie, loved the Trans-Am.” – Tony Stewart, 3x NASCAR Cup champion

Reynolds teamed up with his longtime stuntman and friend, Hal Needham, in this 1977 car chase movie that stars Sally Field, Jerry Reed, and Jackie Gleason. It’s probably the most popular movie of Reynolds’ career, or the one he is always associated with. (Editor’s note: I love Smokey but I always though Reynolds’ best performance was “Boogie Nights”)

Smokey had two sequels, but I don’t consider them part of the canon. I have similar sentiments about “Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives” and “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace”.

Reynolds’ and Needham’s relationship is the basis of Tarantino’s “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood”. Leonardo DiCaprio is the Reynolds’ character and Brad Pitt’s Cliff Booth is Needham.