Welcome to throwback Thursday, the special day of the week where we look back at some of the classic cars from the past and the impact it had on the automotive history. This week’s throwback is the DMC DeLorean.
The DeLorean was founded by John DeLorean on October 24, 1975. The first model to be designed and ready for the market was the DMC DeLorean, however only 6,000 units were produced meaning seeing one on the road today is really rare.
The model is designed as a sportscar with a rear mounted 2.85L V6 engine capable of accelerating from 0-60mph in 8.6 seconds. The body of the vehicle is finished off in a brushed stainless steel as the owner wanted the body of the vehicle to never rust and disintegrate.

However, the car rose to worldwide fame overnight when the Back to the Future franchise chose the DMC DeLorean to become the ‘time machine’ in all the movies produced. The first film was released in 1995 and gained attention of the film world. In the trilogy of the film , 6 replica units were used for stunts and crashes.
Purchasing a DeLorean today is quite difficult as not many are available on the car market, however driving a DMC would definitely be a head turner. The average price of an original DeLorean can cost around £70,000-£80,000 with the restored unit costing around £60,000.

It was announced in 2021 that a replica of the DeLorean, similar to the one used in the film was put on auction. The car featured the flux capacitors, time machine lighting and an upgraded power source to power all the additional accessories. The replica sold for $230,000.