Watch This Cyclist Fist Bump The Bike Thief Who Just Stole His Bianchi

Photo Credit: Fast Folks Cyclery via Instagram
Photo Credit: Fast Folks Cyclery via Instagram

Instead of going absolutely bananas, calling the local Texas law enforcement, and thoroughly ruining the life of this bike thief, this cyclist decided to talk it out with the thief and give him a fist bump. 

If you caught a bike thief red-handed who was just about to get away in your bike that cost about the same as a used car, you’d probably be livid and do a citizens arrest on the offending party until the proper authorities arrived. According to the fine folks at Fast Folks Cyclery, this was the exact same situation that Houston-based cyclist Travis Armes was put in when this miscreant tried to get away in his Bianchi road bike. After tussling with this member of the criminal classes, instead of beating his victim to a bloody pulp he explained his side of the story where he comes from as a cyclist and posed with the thief for your classic fist-bump photo. Check out the entire incident caught on Instagram below.

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According to Travis in the comments, this wasn’t the first time his bike had been stolen. To add insult to injury, his bike was nicked at the same exact location.

"Honestly I didn’t want to be in that situation. Had my last bike stolen 4 months ago from the same Whataburger. I guess I was just kind of over the whole stealing bikes thing. Riding is what I do. It’s my vehicle. He was probably about 40 going on 70. I wish him peace and love and happiness. I’m sorry I had to rough him up a little. I feel bad about it. Maybe next time I’ll politely ask the thief to get off my bike instead of throwing him off. PS…Once you put a man on the ground and he then starts swinging at you for it you kinda have to put him on the ground again."

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Overall, it was a pretty awful situation and hopefully that thief learned his lesson and will resort to earning his way towards a brand new bike instead of taking someone else’s property. And hat tip to Travis for taking the high-road and making lemonade out of lemons for both partis involved.