Cadillac President To German Rivals: Your Nightmare Has Arrived


Everyone posts on Facebook, even Cadillac President Johann de Nysschen. According to Motor Trend, on his latest post on the popular social media site before logging off for the night, de Nysschen pretty much offered a throwdown to his BMW, Mercedes and Audi with the 2016 Cadillac ATS-V and CTS-V in his corner.

Dissatisfied with the way early speculators have been treating the world reveals of both the CTS-V and ATS-V in comparison to their German counterparts, in more or less the same words, de Nyschenn stated how the naysayers should let the motoring press decide for themselves. “The motoring press haven’t yet had an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate and color- in the speculation, which to date runs the spectrum from ill- informed prejudice to wide- eyed anticipation.”

It didn’t stop there. De Nysschen then threw down some classic, All-American fighting words into the mix. “To the German mobile fanboys out there – your worst nightmare has arrived. I’m not referring to horsepower. I’m not referring to torque. I’m not referring to acceleration times. In these areas, you already know that you’re whipped.”

And if you look at the numbers, the 2016 Cadillac CTS-V and ATS-V indeed do trump their benchmarked competitors.

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The 2015 Audi RS5, BMW M3 and Mercedes C63 all have less horsepower and torque than the 2016 Cadillac ATS-V (464 HP, 445 lbs-ft of torque) and is faster to 60 as well.

The same story goes for the 2015 Audi S6 and BMW M5 when compared to the 2016 Cadillac CTS-V (640 HP, 630 lbs-ft of torque.)

Further on in his statement, he dismisses the fact that he’s only referring to power and says his new ringers will also wipe the floor in terms of good old fashioned driving dynamics (handling, braking, steering, and cornering.)

It’s nice to hear that there is this sort of enthusiasm in the higher-ups.

I’m rooting for Cadillac all the way and am hoping that his claims will be backed up by the V’s performance lineup.

We’ll soon know the verdict as press tests for the Cadillac ATS-V at least are being carried out as we speak.

Check out The Fast Lane’s Car take on the 2016 Cadillac CTS-V.