You’re looking at a total combined 2,740 HP amongst three cars.
It’s hard enough to get two of these three hypercars to show up at the same place at the same time but “The Super Car Driver” managed to get all three to answer a question that we’ve all wondered since these cars were released, whose faster in the quarter mile. Earlier yesterday (Oct. 29, 2015,) The Super Car Driver went ahead and ran each car through the quarter mile more than once with surprising results. If you want to find out who was the fastest, then read ahead. Otherwise go ahead and stop reading here and just watch the video!
The tail of the tape is as follows.
- McLaren P1– RWD with 903 HP and 900 lb-ft of torque. Weighs in at 3075 pounds. Twin turbocharged with electric assist.
- LaFerrari– RWD with 950 HP and greater than 900 lb-ft. Weighs in at 2766 pounds. N/A with electric assist.
- Porsche 918 Spyder- RWD with 887 HP and 1,275 lb-ft. Weighs in at 3,747 pounds. N/A with electric assist.
First the McLaren P1 and LaFerrari toed the line with the P1 crossing the line in 11.704 seconds and the LaFerrari coming in at 12.140 seconds. The P1 had the better reaction time.
Next the Porsche 918 ran with all three cars trading spots throughout the day to get the best reaction time and run from each car. We’ve published the official results below.

We should take these results with a grain of salt as there are multiple variables to take into account. The weather, tires, track condition and driver are just a few. But on this particular day given the best conditions Santa Pod had to offer, the Porsche 918 reigned king by a good .25 seconds. Keep in mind that the McLaren P1 had a higher trap speed so given a better reaction time and launch, would’ve beat the 918.
Next: Check Out Deadmau5's Matte Black Wrap On His McLaren P1