Taco Bell Fires Marketing Manager Who Attacked Uber Driver

Photo Credit: Edward Caban via Youtube Screenshot
Photo Credit: Edward Caban via Youtube Screenshot

If you decide to physically abuse someone even though you’re inebriated, your going to have a band time.

In the matter of a couple of days, the video of an uber passenger physically attacking an Uber driver with a barrage of punches left and right has garnered more than a million views. Now according to AdWeek.com on their post earlier yesterday (Nov. 2, 2015) it seems Taco Bell has identified the passenger doing all the beatings as one of their marketing manager’ and has decided, quite a matter of factly, that that type of person can’t be working for them. He’s since been fired. Check out the video of the attack below.

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The facts of the story are pretty simple. A drunk Benjamin Golden, the name of the attacker, hails down a Uber car to take him home even though he hasn’t initiated the pickup via the app. Although this is highly unorthodox, the Uber app allows the driver to take this sort of action. Golden has had a few drinks over the course of the evening and reveals to the Uber driver that his final destination isn’t too far from where he’s been picked up without giving an address.  Finally after refusing multiple times to reveal his destination, the Uber driver pulls over and tells Golden to leave, which he does, but not before he socks the Uber driver with a flurry of swings. Fortunately, the uber driver has pepper spray which proves to be somewhat effective.

According to the Uber driver, he has since stopped driving as he reassesses his situation and takes a breather. Being attacked is definitely a good time to take a moment and collect one’s thoughts before continuing to work.

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We know live in a society where cameras are commonplace and once nefarious acts that would’ve gone undocumented are now caught and recorded.  We hope that that particular Uber driver will continue his work sooner rather than later and realize that this attack was isolated and the world is full of wonderful passengers waiting to be picked up. We’re not surprised if he hits the gym, conceal carries and becomes a black belt in the process.