Arizona DOT Star Wars Themed PSA Goes Viral

Photo Credit: Jarod DeAnda via Instagram
Photo Credit: Jarod DeAnda via Instagram

If you’re driving in the great state of Arizona take heed to this timely Star Wars themed driving PSA from your local Department of Transportation. 

Public service announcements tend to be dull, and while informative, usually go in one ear and out the other as we read whatever the signs say out loud to ourselves.  But according to Fox 10 news out of Arizona, whomever is making this round of PSA’s with a Star Wars theme definitely deserves a raise as this timely message has been getting the attention of news crews and motorists alike. The amber alert system has been programmed to read, “Aggressive Driving Is The Path To The Dark Side” in a clear nod to Star Wars Episode 7 set to be released this coming Friday. Check out some of the pictures of these signs making their rounds on social media below.

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Aggressive driving, or better known as road rage, is a major factor in U.S. traffic accidents that oftentimes leads to fatalities and injuries that are well within control of parties involved.  According to the NHTSA,

"Agressive driving occurres when “an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.”"

In a study cited by the Institute for Highway Safety, between the years of 2003-2007 in accidents that ended in fatalities, aggressive driving played a role in how those particular situations played out 56 percent of the time.

Aggressive driving can take many forms including, following too closely, driving at high rates of speed out of spite and anger, failure to heed road conditions signs and generally operating your vehicle in an erratic fashion. Although there isn’t one signal definition that sums up aggressive driving, you know it when you see it.

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So although this particular PSA injects a bit of fun into the subject, it certainly doesn’t take away from the seriousness of the issue.