Watch This Portly Fellow Try To Squeeze Out Of This BMW i8

Photo Credit: BMW
Photo Credit: BMW

This owner of a 2016 BMW i8 let his friend have a go at getting in and out of this all-electric supercar. 

If you’re going to even attempt taking a $150,000 supercar out for a test drive, you’d better make sure you’re able to at least get in and out of the driver’s seat without causing a scene. According to a recent thread that popped up on Reddit/r/cars earlier Friday afternoon, that wasn’t the case for this fellow who tried his best to climb out of this particular 2016 BMW i8. Check out that video below.

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Getting into a low-slung supercar is the easy part as gravity does all the hard work of transferring all that weight from an upright standing posture to a driving position. The hard “work” comes when you have to extricate yourself from near ground level back to your normal standing height. Even for the most athletic and supple individuals, climbing into a supercar can still be a chore. Even more so if you’re, for the lack of a better phrase, carrying a spare tire around your waist (thighs, arms and everywhere else.)

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At least this particular guy took the whole scene in stride and didn’t berate his friend for just filming instead of helping him out of the BMW i8. We have a feeling this isn’t the first time his friend’s caught him trying to extricate himself from the driver’s seat as he had his camera ready to capture the once-in-a-lifetime event.  As for that portly fellow, we also don’t think he’ll be putting any money down on that particular BMW any time soon until he’s shed a few stone himself.