The Grand Tour Premier Review With Spoilers!

Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images)
Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images) /

The long-awaited premiere of The Grand Tour has aired and we can’t believe what we just saw!

After 18 months away, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May have returned to our living rooms! The Grand Tour has dropped its first episode in epic style. Be warned this review will contain some spoilers, but I will not ruin the episode.

Any thoughts that they were not going to address the time between the final Top Gear with Jezza and now were put to rest in the opening shot. So well done and a great lead into the reportedly $2.5 million dollar opening number.

A bit of a shocker that they did not air the first episode they taped from South Africa. This was the second taping that took place in southern California. Also, surprised they did not do much from the area. You would think that they would utilize the area with such great roads and cars.

Having heard from insiders that the gang did do several “activities” on camera in California, the location of the tent in each episode will have little bearing on what is in the show. Most of Jeremy, Richard, and James adventures were on the europian continent. They are smartly making every show unpredictable.

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We have known for a long time that certain elements from Top Gear could not be used on the Grand Tour. The Stig being the element that most fans wondered how would be addressed. Well about half way in we found out what they were going to do. Former NASCAR driver Mike Skinner has turned out to be their test driver. His southern drawl and sharp wit are a fun addition to the show. I hope that at some point we get interaction with Skinner and the presenters.

The real question that needed to be answered is will The Grand Tour have the same heart that Top Gear had. My simple and unequivocal response is yes yes yes! It seemed like they walked off the set of Top Gear and right into The Grand Tour tent. The chemistry, humor, and heart were all on display.

In some way, it is even better now on The Grand Tour. With the new elements of the show, there is a freshness that is intoxicating. I was concerned there was so much build up and excitement that there could be a letdown. Nope, not one bit. It was what I had hoped and even more.

I am sure people will be quick to pick apart parts of the show. The track is a bit odd, Skinner does not fit, no celebrity guests and such. It is a new show, and with that, things are going to be different. I for one love what they have done.

For me, the main element I missed was the celebrity guest. I always love Clarkson’s interviews. He has a way of disarming people and making them feel human. Who knows, maybe in the future star interviews will return. Other than that, there was nothing that I came away feeling was missing.

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In the end, it almost felt like Christmas morning and Amazon Prime delivered my gift from Santa. Watching The Grand Tour was like curling up in a blanket in front of a fire. To me, the world is a better place with The Grand Tour in it and I know I get this feeling again next week when episode two drops.