Diesel Brothers New Season Preview Off The Chain

When Discovery gave us our first sneak peak at season two, they got us excited. Now they have unwrapped more and it will blow your mind!

As a fan of off-road trucks, sometimes it seems I get left out of most custom car shows. When I saw Diesel Brothers last year it became must-see TV in my house. They blew me away with what they were doing out of Sparks Motors there in Utah.

As with most shows of its nature, it received a short first season order to see how it went. Ratings were great, and here we go with season two starting on Monday. Until now all we really knew is that he bearded bunch is back building crazy trucks. We saw Marshawn Lynch in a custom side by side doing doughnuts in the parking lot.

In the latest clip, we get so much more. The builds for season two look amazing!!! More car crushing monsters, but they still need some work on not getting cars stuck between the wheels. Of course, it looks like another snowy mountain adventure is in the works with another tracked vehicle. The ideas the fellas at Sparks Motors come up with are borderline insane.

In a shocking moment from the clip, Red Beard is put down by none other than Chuck Norris himself! It is yet to be seen if it is over squeezing the budget on a project for Walker Texas Ranger or not. All I know is I want to see how bad a** a truck they build for the man himself. This is going to be good.

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It has been far too long since Heavy D and the boys have given me something new to watch on Mondays. Coupled with the season premiere of Fast N Loud, there is no reason to turn your television from Discovery on Monday night. With the CFB Championship last Monday night it is a perfect bridge from Monday Night Football.

For some, Diesel Brothers might be a bit over the top. From my standpoint, it hits it right on the head for people into serious off-roading. Those of us that like it when it takes a bit of help to get into your truck, love what we see on the show. It takes a special breed to be willing to get 8MPG, burn through tires and love it.

I think one of the best parts of Diesel Brothers is to me, is there seems to be a bit if humility behind the bravado. The guys know they are building big toys, and it is all really about having fun. They do not take themselves too seriously. The crew is not building monsters and saying they are for taking the kids to the market. They pull trains and crush cars. Sit back and get ready to go on what looks like a heck of a ride!

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