Watch Sung Kang’s Fugu Z Turn Into A Hot Wheels Model

Photo Credit: Sung Kang via IG @SungKangsta
Photo Credit: Sung Kang via IG @SungKangsta

Looks like Sung Kang spent some time at Hot Wheels HQ and got his Fugu Z miniaturized into a model.

Hot off his Fugu Z finally premiering at SEMA and winning a spot in Gran Turismo as a playable car, it looks like the hard working Greddy Racing team and Sung Kang himself let off a bit of steam with a visit to Hot Wheels. Earlier today a couple of photos and videos hit Instagram from both Kang and Hot Wheels and from the look of things, both parties had a good time. But more interestingly, we got a short video of what looks like the Fugu Z itself being turned into a die-cast model, or at least a mold being made of one. Check out those videos and photos below.

Keen eyes will notice in Hot Wheels Instagram photo that they included the shot of Greddy’s awesome BenSopra 35RX GTR. A sidebar, but the body kit alone costs close to $42,000 and this particular GT-R makes upwards of 1200 HP courtesy of a stroker motor and revised turbo setup (amongst other choice upgrades.)

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We like to imagine that Hot Wheels was going to bring out a special edition Fugu Z collectible die-cast but in the comments someone already asked if there was a Fugu Z model coming in the future which Hot Wheels responded, “Now that would be cool.” Neither confirming nor denying one in the future is the way we read that comment.

Just yesterday, Sung Kang also released the last episode in his five part YouTube series chronicling his Datsun 240Z build.

We’ve posted the entire playlist above. We’re going to assume you haven’t seen any of the episodes so you feel free to start from episode one.

Next: Sung Kang And Greddy Racing Collab On A '73 Datsun 240Z For SEMA

Also, if you can describe what exactly is going on in Sung Kang’s video of his Fugu Z rising from a bath of hot plastic above, leave an explanation in the comments!