It’s Super Bowl Sunday and Art of Gears is taking a break from watching motorsports and Top Gear to take in the big game. Beyond watching Patrick Mahomes trying to cement his claim as the NFL’s best quarterback or having Tom Brady prove to the world that he made Bill Belichick a legend, the game is a chance to see some great car commercials.

I’ve been a devout NFL fans for the last few decades and due to the lack of Arizona Cardinals success, I’m still bitter about Super Bowl XLIII and I’m not a big Santonio Holmes supporter, I largely watch the game for entertainment and beverage consumption.
Also, there is a long history of Super Bowl blowouts and I find myself looking forward to the commercials to interrupt the nod off potential of another snoozer. Those of us that watched Super Bowls in the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s will know what I’m talking about.
As a car dude I gear myself towards the automotive commercials. I realize that is fairly obvious but I don’t have a ton of outside interests beyond cars. Those interests include Wes Anderson movies, bobbleheads, and University of Nevada basketball.
In 2015 Lindsay Lohan was the punchline to a lot of jokes and had become a sad tale of potential ruined by substance abuse and really bad choices.
Her driving record is transcendent for those that want to be reckless and endanger society. Since 2007, she racked up a couple of DUI’s and various other arrests and infractions:
May 2007: Arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. She does 45-days in a treatment center and has to wear a sobriety monitor bracelet.
July 2007: Lohan is arrested for a DUI, cocaine possession, and driving with a suspended license. Reports indicated that Lohan had been pulled over for that particular arrest after getting in a car chase with the mother of her assistant.
September 2012: She is arrested for suspicion of leaving the scene of an accident. A gentleman claimed that she clipped him when she was trying to park her car. Charges were dropped.
March 2013: She pleaded no contest to charges of reckless driving and lying to law enforcement in relation to a July 2012 car accident.
It was an impressive run by Lohan and during Super XLIX in February 2015 we learned that she had a sense of humor about her past. Her sense of humor was heightened by a self depreciating nature about her abilities behind the wheel.
In the Esurance commercial Lohan is driving in the wrong direction towards an elementary school student pick up area. She nearly clips a school bus, takes out a traffic cone and stops on the curb.
After attempting to convince a kid that she’s sorta’ his mom, at the time Esurance’s ad campaign revolved around the idea that their competitors were sort of like Esurance but not equal.
She eventually leaves, drives the car off the curb and weaves down the road.
Yes Lohan did some really stupid and dangerous things that could have led to lost lives. I feel guilty digging this commercial because of her past criminal behavior but ultimately I decided that the commercial was funny. Ultimately I came to realize that it was my all-time favorite but maybe it will get kicked to the curb this year.