Sung Kang Just Released Episode 1 Of His Z Dream Series Feat. His 240Z Build

Photo Credit: Speed Fox Sports via Youtube Screenshot on "Z Dream Episode 1: Origin Story (starring Sung Kang)"
Photo Credit: Speed Fox Sports via Youtube Screenshot on "Z Dream Episode 1: Origin Story (starring Sung Kang)"

Sung Kang just released Ep 1 of his Z Dream series. Kang goes into what started the whole project and why he did what he did.

UPDATE: Check out Episode 2 linked below!

Next: Sung Kang Drops Episode 2 Of His Z Dream Series: Rebirth

Last month we picked up on some news that Sung Kang and Greddy were collaborating on a one of a kind build for SEMA featuring a 1973 Datsun 240Z. And ever since then Kang has been throwing us a couple of teasers here and there over Instagram we’ve been craving for more than a couple of pictures. Thankfully, it looks like the entire build is being professionaly documented thanks to Fox Sports via their Speed Network and earlier today (Oct. 14, 2015) Episode 1 of Z Dream hit the web. Rightfully so it’s titled “Origin Story.” Check out the whole video below!

Right off the bat we’re introduced to Kang’s two life long friends Greg Wang and Micheal Jen. We get to find out how Kang had an early interest in 1970’s Porsches and how the idea of a Datsun 240Z was brought up. Kang does reveal a bit of impetus behind the project as both a family man and as someone who still wants to hang out with the rest of the guys (truly a a man after a gearhead’s heart.)

"“Over time we where talking about, you know, family and getting older and being able to hang out with your friends. Like how do you get away from the wives. Give an excuse to the wives and kids that you’re going to hang out with your guy friends over the weekend. It’s very tough right… I mean we don’t play golf…so what if we built a car together."

Wanting to keep things realistic, Kang and his buddies go out to find this well kept 1973 Nissan 240Z that Kang describes as an “honest start.” The couple who owned the Z needed a bit of extra cash for their home expansion project and happened to be selling their Z. Cars are inanimate objects and who did what to them in the past doesn’t necessarily matter but is certainly helps to always start with a bit of good karma.

Then Kang transitioned into how we met up with the guys from Greddy. A quick scroll though Kang’s instagram will reveal the exact post that Kenji Sumino, President at Greddy Racing, mentions as the starting point of their collaboration.

2015.10.14 Rocket Bunny
2015.10.14 Rocket Bunny

Talk about fate as Kenji himself used to own a 240Z that he also wanted to build up from scratch. For Kenji and for many others who get a bit older, family becomes number one priority and extracurriculars were pushed to the wayside.

"“…I used to own one, you know one of these days I’ll get to it. Then my wife and I had kids and I got an offer I couldn’t refuse and I ahd to let that car go. This would definitely be a second chance.”"

Finally, Kang get’s to the underlying reason he started this project in the first place and it’s immediatly relatable to alot of people who start their own projects, whatever passion. Shortly after his good friend Paul Walker passed away he realised that,

"“Life is to short man you gotta just go after it. If it’s something I want don’t worry about what other people think. Go after it."

Suffice to say we’re super stoked to see what else Kang and the team at Greddy have in store for the Z. With a little less than a month before SEMA we’re sure to see an increase in updates from both Kang and Greddy. If you want to follow along on the build give Speed on Fox Sport’s Youtube a subscribe and follow both Sung Kang, Greddy Racing and maybe even Kenji over on Instagram. From the looks of things it looks like the Fugu Z is ready for paint!

Next: Sung Kang And Greddy Racing Collab On A '73 Datsun 240Z For SEMA

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