Video: Amish Guy Doing Doughnuts With His Horse And Carriage

Courtesy: Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images
Courtesy: Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images /

An Amish man is caught on camera doing doughnuts in an icy parking lot outside a liquor store in Indiana. We have so many questions!

If you enjoyed our post last month about the Michigan man skiing behind a horse and buggy, you will love this clip. This time is it a man with an Amish horse-drawn buggy drifting around in a frozen parking lot. Even more interesting than that is the fact that this video was filmed in the lot of the Cedar Creek carry-out liquor store.

The first question many have asked is “were those doughnuts intentional?” The parking lot is covered in ice and, therefore, some are saying that perhaps the carriage began slipping and it just took off from there. Others have mildly joked around asking “can [he] get charged with drunk carriage driving?” After all, this video was taken in the parking lot of a store that sells alcohol. Sometimes with these viral videos, the comments are more entertaining than the content itself.

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Some feared for the horse questioning whether the video was demonstrating animal crueler. Commenters responded to such remarks pointing out that the horse was not limping and did not slip. The horse “obviously wanted to do the donuts and is maneuvering properly.” Horse enthusiast and “experts” came to the defense of the man and his buggy, explaining that the movements were normal and the behavior was not worrisome.

It’s difficult to really enjoy a video these days without many people judging the characters involved and making assumptions about the scenario. Even so, we present the video below and hope you can find some entertainment within it. Please tell us what you believe is the case after watching.

Next: This Man From Michigan Skied With An Amish Horse and Buggy

The video below, which was shared Unilad’s Facebook page, has gone viral – and for good reason! See the action happen before your own eyes and let us know what you think.

Be sure to leave us a comment with your thoughts. Have you ever seen such a sight? If yes, be sure to post or link us to the action.